Maikel Rosabal
Research interests

Metallomics of trace elements in aquatic organisms
Study the effects of metallic trace elements on biomolecules and define the biochemical and physiological consequences of these interactions

Developping diagnostic tools for ecosystem contamination
Develop contaminant toxicity diagnostic/prevention tools using aquatic organisms

Marie Lefranc
PhD candidate
Effects and interactions of rare earth elements (La, Gd, Y) in combination in three aquatic invertebrates (Dreissena bugensis, Chironomus riparius, Hyalella azteca)

Alice Carle
PhD candidate
The interaction and effect of the Pt/Pd exposure (single, mixture) in benthic organisms
Co supervised with Marc Amyot (U Montréal)

Luana Hainzenreder Bauer
PhD candidate
Subcellular partitioning of various metals (Hg, As, Se, Pb, Cd, La, Ce) in liver cells of various fish species in the Indian River Lagoon system (Florida)

Marie-Soleil Boulay
MSc candidate
Advanced proteomic analyses in isolated subcellular fractions to rigorously validate fractionation protocols for various freshwater animals
Co-supervised with Catherine Jumarie (UQAM)

Fédérique Pelletier
MSc candidate
Biodistribution of metallic trace elements and their link with oxidative stress biomarkers in the ring-billed Gull in the urban area of Montreal (Quebec)

Jeremy Dupont
MSc candidate
Spatial extent of atmospheric emissions from the Horne smelter (Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec) using bioindicators

Virginie Ricard Henderson
MSc Candidate
Chaoborus as biomonitor to assess the exposure of Cd, Ni and Se in lake waters from aquatic ecosystems located in the region of Rouyn-Noranda (Quebec)

Julien Labrie
MSc candidate
Subcellular distribution of metallic trace elements in the amphipod Hyalella azteca from the Yellowknife region

Vincent Blouin
MSc candidate
Evaluating the metabolic and biochemical effects of metal accumulation in fish in the NWT

Gabrielle Boudreault
MSc Candidate
Toxico-evolutionary study of the adaptive responses of amphipods (H. azteca) to trace element contamination of water due to mining activities in Yellowknife.
Co-supervised by Alison Derry (UQAM)

Judith Lord
MSc Candidate
Co-supervised by Nicole Fenton (UQAT) and Catherine Jumarie (UQAM)
CO-Supervised students

Kimberly Desjardins
PhD Candidate
Subcellular partitioning of trace elements in liver of
fish collected in Saint-Maurice River
Co-supervised with Marc Amyot (U Montréal)

Elise Lhoste
PhD candidate
Microbial communities in abandoned and submerged mines
Co-supervised with Cassandre Lazar (UQAM)

Marta Gabriele
PhD candidate
Assess the current state of environmental degradation of Osisko Lake
Co-supervised with Guillaume Grosbois (UQAT)

Émilie Telmosse
MSc candidate
Assess the potential risk of metal contamination found in vegetable gardens
Co-supervised with Eric Duchemin (UQAM)

Nicolas Ortiz
MSc candidate
Study of the metabolism of organisms that colonize the surface of rocks
Co-supervised with Cassandre Lazar (UQAM)
Lab Alumni
Postdoctoral fellows
Nastassia Urien
Tania Charette (co)
Aymeric Rolland
Justine Hadrava
Daphnée Gariepy (co)
Alexandre Berniner-Graveline (co)