Michelle Garneau
Research interests

Assessment of recent (past 100 years) changes in carbon accumulation in high latitude peatlands in Canada

Carbon dynamics of peatlands in the La Romaine River watershed, Minganie

Holocene ecohydrological dynamics of peatlands in Center-North of Quebec

Reconstruction of the hydroclimatic conditions that influenced the establishment and development of the peatlands at the eastern tip of Anticosti Island

Anthropocene effects on the carbon accumulation dynamics of Quebec's wetlands

Tiina Kolari
Postdoctoral fellow
Carbon storage and recent changes in peatlands in Wapusk National Park, Hudson Bay Lowlands.

Dalton April Sue
Postdoctoral fellow
Assessing the significance of the recent changes (~100 years) in carbon accumulation in high-latitudes

Joannie Beaulne
PhD candidate
Growth of black spruce and carbon sequestration in peat bogs in western Quebec

Guillaume Primeau
PhD candidate
Growth of black spruce and carbon sequestration in peat bogs in western Quebec

Chloé Giraud
MSc candidate
Impacts of the extension of Highway 138 on the sequestration capacity of Lower North Shore peatlands

Maxime Shaienks-Desrochers
MSc candidate
Cartography of carbon stocks of northern Québec for different types of natural environments

Reno Bouchard
MSc candidate
Assessment of the impact of anthropogenic disturbances on the value of carbon reserves in peat complexes of southern Quebec

Joanie Boulard
MSc candidate
Influence of afforestation on carbon storage capacity in ombrotrophic peatlands of southern Quebec

Frédérique Turmel
MSc candidate
Carbon balance of a salt marsh on the Malbaie barachois in Gaspésie

Nicole Sanderson
Research professional
In charge of northern Québec projects

Gabriel Magnan
Research professional
Assessing the significance of the recent changes (~100 years) in carbon accumulation in high-latitudes Canadian peatlands and their potential C sink capacity

Léonie Perrier
Research support professional
Carbon stock mapping, paleoecological reconstructions and carbon budgets in wetlands

David Trejo
Research support professional
Istallation, maintenance and use of advanced equipment to guarantee accurate data collection

Martina Schlaipfer
Research professional
Scientific coordinator of the CARBONIQUE project
CO-Supervised students

Édith Auclair Fournier
MSc candidate
Assess the impact of recent changes in carbon sinks for the network of protected areas and conservation territories in relation to global warming
Co-supervised with Pascale Roy-Léveillé (ULaval)

Didier Philippo
MSc candidate
Characterization of shrub carbon stocks in swamps and forested peatlands of southern Quebec
Co-supervised with Vincent Maire (UQTR)

Aurélien Martin
MSc candidate
Ecomorphological evolution of Kamouraska and Isle-Verte marshes since the Late Holocene: implications for ecological services
Co-supervised with Pascal Bernatchez (UQAR)

Alexandra Théroux
MSc candidate
Ecogeomorphological response of the Magdalen Islands marshes to the recent rise in sea level
Co-supervised with Pascal Bernatchez (UQAR)
Lab Alumni
Post-doctoral fellows
Antonin Priijac
Pierre Taillardat
Simon van Bellen
Gabriel Magnan
Robert Barnett (co)
Marc-André Bourgault (co)
Steve Pratte
Nicole Sanderson (co)
Luc Pelletier (co)
Gabriel Magnan
Anne Quillet
Pénélope Germain Chartrand
Joannie Beaulne
Léonie Perrier
Camille Girard
Genevière Corneau
Guillaume Primeau
Mylène Robitaille
Éloise Le Stum-Boivin
Louis-Martin Pilote
Valérie Lefrançois
Mathieu Lemay-Tougas (co)
Antoine Thibault
Arabelle Sauvé